Libya and the Slave Trade You Probably Didn’t Know About

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“A Libyan coast guardsman stands on a boat during the rescue of 147 illegal immigrants attempting to reach Europe off the coastal town of Zawiyah, 45 kilometres west of the capital Tripoli, on June 27, 2017.” // TAHA JAWASHI/AFP/Getty Images


When first looking at the picture, I was provided with senses of discomfort, confusion, and worry. It also indirectly persuaded me to feel hopeful, despite not knowing the exact situation from the picture, alone. I didn’t really know what to think at first, but I had questions.


I wondered how something like this could still happen and why this was still an issue in today’s world. I can even say that I felt a sense of anger as looking at this photo was a reminder that there truly are people out there who waste their lives by dehumanizing human beings and treating them less than they are worth. Moreover, without the caption, it made me wonder if the soldier at the end of the boat was capturing the people or if he was rescuing them. The responses that I had would most likely be the responses that others would think about, since the enslaving of humans has been an issue for centuries.


Besides the variety in colorful clothing and the clarity of the picture, one may automatically notice that all of the individuals on the boat are black. Not only this, but one may also assume that this is happening outside of the United States. We notice that the boat is moving, but we’re unsure where to, but we can only hope for their safety. Beyond the waters is left out of the frame; we are unsure as to how far they are away from land and where exactly they are coming from.


This image is supposed to raise awareness for a certain issue, and we can see this by it being a photo that contains more than just one individual. We see a collective society of the same race that are all in the same boat, figuratively and literally. Pathos is used as they are fighting the same war and essentially fighting for some sort of freedom. The audience is for anyone in the world who cares about the wellbeing of others, but in particular, I think that the audience is directed more towards those who are in power. The photo persuades others to learn more about what’s happening and to also do something about it, if they indeed have the necessary resources at hand.


Politics runs the world nowadays, and certain countries only seem to care about themselves; so, this photo is almost a wake-up call for them. It shows us that there is still much improvement that needs to happen in the world.


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